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It has been said that ‘mountains give us truth and the tests we seek.’ We all need the truth of who we are, and we all need tests to forge that truth into reality; the substance of a man or woman is born through how we respond to adversity. Life promises large quantities of adversity, but the wisdom to respond well is unfortunately in short supply. The Formidable Way is deliberate and intentional training to become strong in character, skill and being ready for anything life may bring. Through strength and mobility training, combative arts, mountain adventures and spiritual direction, we aim to empower formidable men and women. Power is intrinsic of the formidable man and woman. And it is our responsibility to become formidable to rise and thrive in both the best and the worst of times.


The FORMIDABLE Experience

Strength and Fitness

Self Defence and Protection

Spiritual Practices
and Coaching

Wilderness Adventures

Strength and mobility training. 


World class train on​ location that comes to you! 

Everyone has something worth fighting for


Grappling and Striking for a systematic approach to intergrading jiu jitsu, catch wrestling, boxing and Silat Kuntao for a well rounded warrior athlete.

Explore and discover;

Camping, exploring and learning new skills in the Rocky Mountains

Coaching and practices for to enrich one's life, identity, belonging and purpose. 

Strength and Fitness 

Coach Sean has close to 15 years of experience as a professional Trainer, serving ages spanning 5 years to 70+, grandmas to C.P.S. Staff Sargents, those coming off double shoulder replacements to healthy athletes, those looking to just keep in shape and motivated to those wanting to break personal bests and get ‘jacked’. 

Drawing on science and the personal experience of training he and his wife Barb have gained through their 20s to now mid 50s, Coach Sean trains with longevity in mind. “To measure success you must not only have a plan for how to succeed TODAY and in the short term, but you must also have an answer for how to keep this success going consistently 6 months and years from now, and this through all of lifes ‘ups and downs’. I train myself and others in such a way that we will be having this success a decade from now. For it is truly what you do consistently that defines a man or woman.”


Coach Sean’s strength, is STRENGTH; he has had tremendous success in safely progressively improving all of his clients over all strength and mobility, leading to greater quality of life. 

On location Training

Coach Sean brings his expertise, state of the art equipment and story telling to you. All of our training is done on location (home or work), and done with strength equipment for the best full body training session. This ain’t no bosu ball and band workout. Though there is nothing wrong with that :)

Hybrid Combat-FIT

Interest in the martial arts?

Learn some new self defense skills, burn calories and have a blast with boxing, kickboxing and grappling worked into the training session.

The Right Tools for the Job

Some of the equipment used:
Deadlfit platform and Landmine apparatus  (deadlifts, belt squats, etc)
Olympic bar and weights.
Bench with leg extentions/curls
Boxing gloves, mits, body shield, etc. 

Coach Sean has worked years on developing the best training for where ever he finds himself. As long as he has the Formidable Truck with him:)

Jodi Ulrich, training since 2013

“I love training with Sean. Not only has he helped me achieve the fitness goals I’ve set, he’s also a fantastic person and he makes training fun. I am very pleased with the results and I’m so glad I have the opportunity to train with Sean.”

Self Defense and Protection

Teaching 5 year olds in Anti-bullying classes to 300lb Staff SGTs in the C.P.S., every one benefits from Coach Sean’s experience, understanding and skills in what he calls, “everyone’s greatest fear: human aggression.” 


“Do you want to just ‘feel’ safe, or do you want to actually learn how to BE safe. There is a difference. It is not just about punching and kicking.” Coach Sean


We teach grappling and striking for a systematic approach to intergrading jiu jitsu, catch wrestling, boxing and Silat Kuntao for a well rounded warrior athlete. 

We teach a systematic and integrated approach to personal protection and protection services(security) for individuals, teachers, staff teams, and protection services; "The least number of tools to cover the greatest number of problems one faces."

Most people will not be 'kung-fu masters' in their life, but they do want to live peacefully knowing they have answers for common threats in life. 

What you will learn:

We teach a compassionate, appropriate mindset, as well as touching on the other realms of conflict (mental and spiritual). Participants will gain valuable wisdom and insights in the areas of situation awareness, threat avoidance and threat assessment, and if needed; how to engage with swift, effective and decisive action.


Coach Sean's martial art experience and influences

Silat Kuntao Matjan Red Sash
     Under Paatje Richard Kudding

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Catch Wresting

Coach Eric Paulson CSW

Wado Ryu Karate

Tom Wepler, Streets Alive Lethbridge AB

"My name is Tom, I am one of the managers at Streets Alive Mission in Lethbridge. We recently had Coach Sean McCauley from Formidable Living come to our work place and teach 10 of our staff “CPI” Critical Prevention Intervention Training. Our work environment involves working with high risk and unpredictable clients every day. Sean worked with us one afternoon a week for 5 weeks straight and the results were very rewarding. The training format was well balanced with theory and hands on application, very relevant to our life and world we dwell in. I am happy to see our staff working with a greater level of confidence and feel more prepared to conduct themselves in adverse situations that arise. Huge thanks to Coach McCauley


Wilderness Adventures and Coaching Experiences


Men's Campout 

Men, fathers, sons, friends and brother, camping out under the stars. Fires, food, archery, friendships built, heart to heart talks and adventure await.  All details covered.


Women's Campout 

Ladies time out in the most beautiful of settings with a group of old and new friends. 

Coach Sean and a group of men will be camping close by for support. 


Day Adventures

Head out to the mountains/woods for a few hours of adventuring in the JEEP, fire, food and fun. See parts of the Rockies reserved only for true adventureres. 


Couples Day

Day adventure in the Rockies with Coach Sean and Barb. Explore the most beautiful locations on the earth, away from the crowds, eat food cooked over an open fire, while hearing stories and wisdom earned over 35+ yrs of marriage and family and ministry. 


Men's Morning Prayer in the woods

Men head out for sunrise prayer around the fire in the woods. We'll be back in time for you to make your brunch reservation. 


Formidable Nation

Daily/weekly connection through prayer and words of encouragement and meditations.

Spiritual Exercises & Coaching

Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly face to face or virtual connections with Coach Sean for encouragement, reflection and prayer.

Speaking Engagements

Coaches Sean and Barb have 35+ years of consistent and fruitful life, family, business and ministry experience. Their influence is both inspirational and highly pragmatic. 

They are available to speak to both large groups as well as small. 

Spiritual Practices and Coaching 

Danielle Radutu

To say Sean and Barb saved my life would be an understatement… They became my mentors in my early 20’s after I had gone through some really hard times. They gave me tools that helped me to heal deep wounds in my life and thatcarried me through the hardest moments that were yet to come.By the time I was in my late 20’s I was incredibly sick and, in a wheelchair, I could not wash my own hair and I could not leave my home without experiencing horrific pain and muscle weakness. What got me through those years was the real knowledge of who I am outside of what I could “do” in life. They had already taught me who I was and showed my where my worth cam from before we ever knew how badly I would actually need that strength. The lessons Barb shared with me about self-control saved me from my destructive anger. Most importantly, the inner strength these two helped me to find and modelled over and over again in their own lives brought me here today…A woman walking, going to school to be a nurse, married and fulfilled far beyond all of these amazing things that have happened. Without the skills these two not only taught me; but they showed me everyday in their own lives, I don’t think I would have made it through the dark years of my late 20’s and early 30’s. Without the support of these two and the important lessons they instilled in me I would not be here….I would not be now working towards helping others! I could not say enough about the example, love, support, coaching, mentoring and faith buildingthese two have done for me…there are no words.


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"Many coaches claim to be experts in high-performance and leadership. But Sean is one of the most unique and accomplished high-performers I know. He’s one of the few who stress-tests his ideas and shares his heart and wisdom with the world. It makes him a sage-warrior-teacher…just the kind of leader I want to follow. Sean is in a class of his own. I’d trust him in any foxhole." Gary Chupik Elite Mindset Sean and Barb have been married since 1989 (35+ yrs) and have two Daughters, Teresa (33) and Naomi (30) and a Son in law Eric (Teresa). Barb is a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant,Expert Cook, CSNN Educator​ and the Head Cook in youth addictions and mental health and Administrative Assistant at C3 Church Calgary for Children’s Ministries. After close to 25yrs of vocational Pastoral ministry in churches across Alberta and Saskatchewan, Sean was forced to step down after a car accident and subsequent head injury in 2010. The journey of personal healing and recovery led Sean and Barb to start a fitness and martial art company (Formidable Combative Arts and Fitness). Sean and Barb have a deep passion for family, friendship and empowering people. Sean and Barb and a love for the outdoors and Rocky Mountains. They love to explore and love to introduce others to this amazing ‘back yard’ we have here in Canada. Above all else, Sean and Barb have their love and faith in Jesus Christ. He is their everything. He is the reason for everything.



The Formidable Way

Calgary, Canada
Sean's Cell: 403.827.2226

Thanks for connecting with us!

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